Iteration of the project.

Halil Sinan Solgun
3 min readJan 3, 2021


After the user test and the class presentation, I turned back to my design to correct some flaws and to add some feature to my project.

In the user test, the readability issues turned out to be a big problem. For this reason, I gave up my transparent background design and modernised the look by giving the necessary white space in the screens:

The new homepage

This turned out to be very advantageous for two reasons:

  • The readability has dramatically improved:

By removing the transparent images, I was able to provide the user a better and more focused experience. It is also clearer that the boxes are clickable and not only an information-card.

  • I was able to implement the new design ideas we learned in class:

To recount from the presentation, I was able to implement the rounded design principle in my design by placing the elements in a round-edged rectangle. I also stripped down the decorative elements and came up with a more focused content in most of the screens. I wanted to implement the 3d experience on the images next to “categories” and “choose ingredients”, but it was an advanced technique I could not understand in detail.

By relieving the overcrowded look on the screens, I was able to come up with a more explanatory content since I could fit the texts under the category names without creating more mess:

The insufficient explanation for the functions in my design was also a user-test feedback, which I could solve by implementing the design trends.

One other feedback regarding the interactive elements was about the use of slider component, which I improved by making the elements smaller, and leaving a small portion of one element hanging at the side of the screen:

Slider component

This helps the user to understand that this is an interactive component.

One other feedback I received in the user test was the absence of a navigational item other than the burger on the top-right corner. To overcome this issue, I planned to create a side navigation component that can be opened by tapping:

1st and 2nd states

From this navigation item, the user can reach to Homepage, Search, Choose ingredients and the favorites screen within the reach of the right thumb; which is more convenient than the traditional footer.

All in all, the design trends and the user feedbacks that I received in and out of class helped a lot to improve my design concept.

However, I would still have liked to make more use of the swiping and the gesture features in my design. Since I didn’t start my project from that perspective, I could not implement them later on. In my next projects, I will definitely try to make more use of them.

Thanks for reading!

